In our breed there are special dogs who earn titles and awards that are conveyed and honored by the German Shepherd Dog Club of America to its members. We are pleased to be able to share with you these special award winners in our GSDCA Award Programs section.
AKC Multiple and Herding Champions
We also celebrate those titles bestowed on GSDs by AKC whose owners may not be members… yet! We encourage everyone with a love of our breed to join us by submitting a membership application.
AKC Herding Champions
As a breed designed to be able to herd sheep all day as a living fence in Germany, the German Shepherd Dog excels at AKC Herding Tests and Trials. Dogs performing at the highest levels of the sport are awarded the title Herding Champion.
Read more: AKC Herding Champions
New AKC Titles of Record
Congratulations to new AKC Conformation and Performance Title holders! Links will be active when data is available (generally two months timeframe). Titles here are filtered to dogs whose first-listed owner is a member of the GSDCA.
For a comprehensive list of AKC titles, click Here
Titles that are recognized by GSDCA for Certificates, Pins and Pendants are listed Here
Easy to search by kennel name, owner name, dog name etc. using CTL-F function